Solvent Recovery by

On-site recycling could reduce your solvent purchases by as much as 95%, as well as dramatically reduce your hazardous waste. Solvent recovery equipment recycles contaminated liquid solvents making them available for reuse.
A solvent recovery system is a great way for a company to save time and money over the long run of their operations. The payback of a solvent recovery system is always one year or less. PRI solvent reclamation systems carry the lowest life-cycle cost in the industry.
Over 75% of PRI systems sold in the last 15 years are still in service. PRI offers a 10 year warranty on the distillation vessel, offering the best value and durability in the industry.
SC Series Solvent Distillation System
The SC Series solvent reclamation system is designed for applications where non-scrape sided distillation is more appropriate (typically low solids).
SC solvent recycling systems offer a cost-effective solution, and are also available with bag liner applications.
The SC Series cut virgin solvent purchase volumes, solvent reclamation rates as much as 90%, reduce hazardous waste disposal volume and typically pay for themselves in a few months.
They reduce environmental impact and increase safety by lowering the risks associated with handling hazardous waste and decreasing your facility’s environmental footprint.
SCR Series Solvent Recycling System
In addition to the features of the SC Series, the SCR Series solvent reclamation system is designed for solids content up to 20%.
This series incorporates PRI’s exclusive rotating scraper blade assembly to assure optimum efficiency and consistent clean solvent production throughout the solvent reclamation process.
Employee safety and unit productivity are at the heart of the unit’s design.
Human involvement is minimal, with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) monitoring the solvent recycling unit’s operation constantly.
Large-scale, high solids solvent reclamation
The largest of the solvent reclamation line, the LSR Series is built to handle difficult, high solids, large-scale waste streams.
An ASME Code stainless steel vessel houses the patented rotating scraper assembly that continually scrapes the sidewalls and mixes the solids.
The LSR also features a cone-shaped vessel, which enables better heat transfer throughout the vessel and more efficient solvent reclamation.
Sample SCR ROI Calculation

Information needed to assess solvent recovery application:
- How is the waste generated?
- How much waste in gallons per week?
- What % amounts of what chemicals are in the waste?
- What is the water content %?
- What is the solids content %? What type?
- Is nitrocellulose present? What %?
- What is current recovery method and what cost??
- What is the current disposal method and what cost?
- How much virgin material is purchased annually? Gallons? Cost?
- What future changes are expected?
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